Want to know the best songs to share with your friends? Here’s a list of some of Dermot Kennedy’s best songs to learn all about that Kennedy sound.


Starting with a more recent song, “Dreamer” has a rich sound backed with a stellar piano melody and strong vocal work. It’s a song all about looking back and thinking about what came about from your dreams growing up and your experiences. It’s a message of hope that is definitely worth a listen.


Then be sure to check out “Outnumbered”. The guitar work in this song has a folksy twang that supports Kennedy’s stellar voice work. The lyrics paint a picture of the pain we go through when we feel backed up against a wall, with a hint of hope. One of the telling lines is “But there’s beauty here that’s yet to depart…” that tells the tale.


Finally, check out “Lost”. A song that starts off with rising crooning notes. Like a lot of Kennedy’s work, this one tells a story of someone who is feeling hopeless. And Kennedy is the supportive voice that we all need to truly feel inspired to move forward in spite of the pain.